No matter how dire your situation is with your ex girlfriend, there is a way to get her back!
You just have to understand the secret to the female psychology.
If you’re reading this and still want your ex girlfriend back, then absorb the information on this page very carefully. In it are secrets to the female mind that most men will go to the grave having never learned.
1.) don’t get jealous
Jealousy reeks of insecurity and this is the number one killer of attraction. If you are the jealous kind of person, then at least kill the urge to show this emotion around your ex-girlfriend.
2.) give her space
Yes, this seems a little hard and counter-intuitive, but leaving her alone is one of the best ways of actually getting her back into your life. That said, you have to do it in a very specific way. Simply not talking to her won’t do it. You have to talk to her subconscious while conveying that you are completely over her right now.
3.) recover emotionally
I know you’re rattled that your ex-girlfriend dumped you, but there’s nothing you can do or say right now that will make her love you again. You cannot negotiate desire.
The more you force the issue with her, the less likely she’s going to want to get back together with you. Winning your ex-girlfriend back is going to have to start with you. That means you need to stop pining for her and get your life back on track.
- Start working out more.
- Start picking up some good hobbies.
- Start hanging out with friends.
Create an interesting life you can invite her back into and you’ll be well on your to getting her back into your arms and maybe your bed.
4.) start dating other women
This is your secret weapon. By dating other women, you’re killing two birds with one stone. First, dating other women is one of the best ways to help you get over your ex-girlfriend. And second, if your ex finds out that you’re having success with other women, she may question her judgement in leaving you. She’ll once again see as the high-value man that she can’t afford to lose! (you are a high-value man, right?)
5.) begin to re-attract her
Once you’ve accomplished steps 1-4, the stage has been set for you to begin the re-attraction process.
But just because you can, doesn’t necessarily mean you should.
That said, you know your situation better than I do. So if you want to how to give yourself the best chance of winning your ex-girlfriend back, watch the free informational video at the link below. Either way, I salute and wish you the best. Godspeed!