how I lost 50 pounds in 1 month

Something happened three years ago, that I could’ve never imagined as even possible before then.

My ab muscles and bicep veins became visible.

As someone who had struggled with his weight since childhood, these things just didn’t seem to be in my reality. You see, I exercised regularly and probably ate healthier than most and yet I never seem to see any results. I attributed this to “bad genetics”. That is, until three years ago.

And you know what’s perhaps even more impressive? The fifty pounds I lost never came back.

how I lost 50 pounds in 1 month

Three years ago, something traumatic happened and caused me to completely lose my appetite for about 2 weeks. I’d have my morning cup of coffee and just pace around my condo while drinking it, my mind racing. Finally, by around 11am, I’d have a couple of eggs and maybe a piece of breakfast meat. Dinner would be whatever I felt like, without going overboard on portions or carbs.

Just two weeks of that and my clothes were already significantly looser. I month in and I went from a tight 36″ waist to a loose 31″ waist

This’s when I started to notice my abs. It sounds lame, but I actually spent hours looking at myself in the mirror, because I couldn’t believe it was real. In fact, part of me was scared shitless that I was just going to put the weight right back on, as soon as my appetite returned.

I was determined to not let this happen. It turns out that seeing tangible results can reveal an inner resolve you didn’t know you had!

how I kept the weight off

Three years later, I can still see my muscles. I’m still a size 31″ waist.

There’s no doubt that daily exercise is a big factor in my ongoing success. I do cross-fit and/or yoga pretty much every day. Furthermore, most of what I like to do for fun is active.

That said, I lost the weight and saw my abs BEFORE I started doing cross-fit or yoga.

In fact, I’ve gone to the gym and been active my whole adult life and never saw much change. That’s why I attribute my success mostly to diet.

my healthy diet principles

Let’s get into some light theory. When you wake up, your body is in fat-burning mode, since you haven’t eaten for 8 or more hours. However, as soon as you eat carbs, your body exits fat burning mode. Therefore, I wanted to delay eating carbs as long as possible.

Furthermore, there are reasons to believe certain carbs are worse than others. I’m not going to go down that rabbit hole here, but suffice to say I decided to stay away from grains and sugars as much as possible, while allowing myself limited amounts of starchy root vegetables and fruits.

So given these principles, it would seem that perhaps breakfast IS the most important meal of the day.

the best breakfast for fat-loss and muscle growth

You’ll recall from my story above, that coffee for breakfast was what seemingly started it all for me. I had not yet heard of intermittent fasting at the time, but was essentially practicing it since I didn’t eat until around 11am.

As my appetite returned, I started tweaking this central component of my diet so that I’m now adding the following three ingredients to my Puerto Rican coffee every morning:

  • heavy cream – has zero carbs (sugars) unlike most other creamers
  • collagen peptides – provides muscle-building protein along with skin and joint support
  • creatine monohydrate – intermittent fasting can lead to losing muscle mass, so I added this to counter act this

Pro tip: I highly recommend using a frother for the cream. It makes the cream seem sweeter without adding any sugar!

I’ll follow my coffee up with my first real meal of the day at around 12:30pm; fried eggs with some type of nitrate-free breakfast meat. You’ll notice I still haven’t really had any carbs so I can potentially stay in fat-burning mode until dinner!


That sexy body you always wanted IS accessible to you. If nothing else, just try my go-to breakfast out for yourself. In just a few weeks, you may be surprised by what you see in the mirror!

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